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Sunday, November 20, 2011


I'll take a bottle of Old Rasputin.
Do they have Aliester Crowley on tap?
I'll take Kansas City Boulevard
and pass on the trannies.
I'll take Miller
and I won't talk to your friend, Miller.
I'll swim in champagne
and play with the bubbles
like your mothers warned against.
I'll drink the father of stouts,
a Guinness, with your Dad.
I'll take Blue Ribbon. It's cheap.
Like your mother.
I don't expect to win anything.
I'll have a glass of wine
and smile when you're ablush...and red.
No, I won't pay for a tab and your drinks.
I don't have that many friends.
And I imbibe with circumspection.
I like to have one drink tastefully and leave.

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